Fast updating feedback from piriform cortex to the olfactory bulb relays multimodal identity and reward contingency signals during rule-reversal 

Hernandez D. E.*, Ciuparu A.*, Garcia da Silva P.*, Velasquez C. M., Rebouillat B., Gross M. D., Davis M. B., Chae H., Muresan R. C.§ & Albeanu D. F.§ (2025). Nature Communications.

High-throughput sequencing of single neuron projections reveals spatial organization in the olfactory cortex.

Chen Y.*, Chen X.*, Baserdem B., Zhan H., Li Y., Davis M. B., Kebschull J. M., Zador A. M.§, Koulakov A. A.§ & Albeanu D. F.§ (2022). Cell.

Long-range functional loops in the mouse olfactory system and their roles in computing odor identity.
Chae H.*, Banerjee A.*, Dussauze M. & Albeanu D.F. (2022). Neuron.
News and Views
Mapping odorant receptors to their glomeruli.
Walter German Bast & Albeanu D.F. (2022). Nature Neuroscience. 25, 405–407

Cortex-wide response mode of VIP-expressing inhibitory neurons by reward and punishment.
 Szadai Z.*, Pi H. J.*, Chevy Q., Ócsai K., Albeanu D. F., Chiovini B., Szalay G., Katona G., Kepecs A.§ & Rózsa B.§ (2022). eLife.
Mosaic representations of odors in the input and output layers of the mouse olfactory bulb.
Chae H.*, Kepple D.R.*, Bast W.G., Murthy V.N., Koulakov A.A.# & Albeanu D.F.#. (2019). Nat. Neurosci. 22(8):1306-1317. doi: 10.1038/s41593-019-0442-zView PDF I Supp Info I Data
Olfactory marker protein (OMP) regulates formation and refinement of the olfactory glomerular map.
Albeanu D.F.* , Provost A.C.*, Agarwal P.*, Soucy E.R., Zak J.D. & Murthy V.N. (2018). Nat. Commun. 9(1):5073. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07544-9View PDF
High-throughput mapping of single-neuron projections by sequencing of barcoded RNA (MAPseq).
Kebschull, J.M., Garcia da Silva P., Reid, A.P., Peikon, I.D., Albeanu D.F. & Zador, A. (2016). Neuron. 91:1-13. View PDF
Central amygdala somatostatin neurons gate passive and active defense behaviors.
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An interglomerular circuit gates glomerular output and implements gain control in the mouse olfactory bulb.
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Cortical feedback decorrelates the olfactory bulb output in awake mice.
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Olfactory bulb coding of odors, mixtures and sniffs is a linear sum of odor time-profiles.
Gupta P., Albeanu D.F., Bhalla U.S. (2015).  Nat. Neurosci. 18(2):272-81. PubMed PMID: 25581362. View PDF | Supp Info
Book Chapter
Patterned Stimulation in the Brain. New Techniques in Systems Neuroscience.
Anselmi F, Banerjee A & Albeanu D.F. (2015). Springer International Publishing. Switzerland. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-12913-6_9. View PDF
Illuminating vertebrate olfactory processing.
Spors, H, Albeanu D.F., Murthy V.N., Rinberg D., Uchida N., Wachowiak M.& Friedrich R. (2012). J.Neurosci. 32(41):14102-14108. View PDF
Non-redundant odor coding by sister mitral cells revealed by light addressable glomeruli in the mouse.
Dhawale, A.K., Hagiwara, A., Bhalla, U.S., Murthy, V.N. and Albeanu, D.F. (2010).  Nat. Neurosci. 13: 1404-1412 View PDF | Supp Info
Precision and diversity in an odor map on the olfactory bulb.
Soucy, E.R.*, Albeanu, D.F.*, Murthy, V.N and Meister, M. (2009). Nat. Neurosci.12 (2):210-20. View PDF | Supp Info
Coupling of neural activity to blood flow in olfactory glomeruli is mediated by astrocytic pathways.
Petzold, G., Albeanu, D.F., Sato, T.F, Murthy, V.N. (2008). Neuron. 58 (6):897-910.
LED array as cost effective and efficient lighting sources for widefield microscopy.
Albeanu D.F.*, Soucy E.R*, Sato T.F., Meister M. and Murthy V.N. (2008).  PLoS ONE.3(5):e2146.
Synaptic vesicle recycling studied using transgenic mice expressing synaptopHluorin.
Li, Z.*, Burrone, J.*, Tyler, W.J., Hartman, K.N., Albeanu, D.F. and Murthy, V.N. (2005). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 102:6131-6136.